Diversity Equity and Inclusion

Racial and Ethnic Violence, Tension -- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Applewhite, A. (2019). This chair rocks: A manifesto against ageism. Celadon Books.


Banaji and Greenwald  (2016).  Blind Spot:  Hidden Biases of Good People.


Beydoun, K. A. (2018). American Islamophobia: Understanding the roots and rise of fear. Univ of California Press.


Coates, T. N. (2015). Between the world and me. Text publishing.


Chavez, L. (2013). The Latino threat: Constructing immigrants, citizens, and the nation. Stanford University Press.


DiAngelo, R. (2015). White fragility: Why it’s so hard to talk to White people about racism. The Good Men Project.


Dyson, M. E. (2017). Tears we cannot stop: A sermon to white America. St. Martin's Press.


Du Bois, W. E. B. (2008). The souls of black folk. Oxford University Press.


Ellison, R. (2016). Invisible man. Penguin UK.


Gómez, L.E. (2020). Inventing Latinos: A new story of American Racism,  

New Press.


Harts, Minda (2019).  The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table.  New York:  Seal Press.


Junger, S. (2016). Tribe: On homecoming and belonging. Twelve.


Kendi, I. X. (2019). How to be an Antiracist. One World/Ballantine.


Moraga, C., & Anzaldúa, G. (Eds.). (2015). This bridge called my back: Writings by radical women of color. Suny Press.


Oluo, I. (2019). So you want to talk about race. Seal Press.


Riemer, M., & Brown, L. (2019). We Are Everywhere: Protest, Power, and Pride in the History of Queer Liberation. Ten Speed Press.


Shapiro, J. P. (2011). No pity: People with disabilities forging a new civil rights movement. Broadway Books.


Wu, F. H. (2002). Yellow: Race in America beyond black and white (p. 39). New York: Basic Books.